Arlettie London is a joint-stock company with a capital of £1,000 whose registered office is located at 13-14 Margaret Street, W1W 8RN, London and is written in the UK Trade and Companies Register RCS under number 07796668 (hereinafter referred to as “Arlettie”). Arlettie has set up a specific Membership program offering its Members privileged access to unique events with prestigious brands online or within a dedicated spaces and accompanied by exclusive advantages and services described here in these particular conditions (hereinafter referred to as “the Membership”).
The purpose of the Membership conditions is to define the specific access requirements, use of the Arlettie Member services and their rights and obligations. This Membership is strictly reserved for registrants wishing to become VIP Members under the circumstances defined in these conditions.
The terms, used in the singular as well as in the plural, defined in the general conditions will have the same meaning in these specific conditions. The definitions in this article supplement those appearing in the general conditions and will have the following meaning:
Special conditions: Designates the present special conditions of the Arlettie VIP Club, defined below. The special conditions specify the provisions which govern the relations between Arlettie and the Members of the club.
VIP Card: Refers to the individual and nominative card of the Arlettie VIP Membership. The card is neither a payment card, nor a credit card. The retention and use of the card are the VIPs sole responsibility. The card is strictly personal and attributed to the client. It cannot be the subject of a loan or a transfer, free of charge or onerous, of any nature whatsoever. All guests must bring a form of identification, passport, or driver’s license to prove their identity.
Subscription and acceptance into the Arlettie VIP Club implies the full and unreserved acknowledgement of these terms and conditions knowing that the VIP Member declares to have read and understood in their entirety.
By accepting the present terms and conditions, the VIP Member declares to adhere without reserve to all of the contractual documents referred to in Article 3 of the general conditions and in particular the terms and conditions, which are intended to define the conditions common to all VIPs. As such, the VIP Member understands and acknowledges that he remains bound by the terms of general conditions in their entirety except as expressly provided otherwise herein.
Arlettie reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. The modifications will not be applicable during the current Membership period and will come into force from the date of acceptance by the Member or from the date of Membership renewal under the conditions defined in the present. The VIP Member is invited to regularly consult the general and special Terms and Conditions and before any request for Membership renewal.
Registration for the Arlettie Membership is completed by fulfilling the registration form either online; directly on the website, or in one of the Arlettie spaces.
Registration for the Arlettie VIP Club is exclusively intended for individuals over the age of 15. Minors are invited to inform their parental authority or guardians of their subscription and/or participation in events. Only one Membership can be opened per person. Arlettie reserves the right to refuse the opening of an account requested by any person who has already been registered.
The services may under no circumstances be granted to a professional and/or to any person marketing or likely to market the products and/or goods purchased during events organized by Arlettie or more generally, benefiting from the advantages offered for purposes other than personal and private.
Once the Membership has been validated, the VIP Member can access their personal profile by logging in using a username and password when they create an account on the website
The Arlettie VIP Club and renewal requests are subject to prior validation and approval by Arlettie. As such, the VIP Member understands and acknowledges that applications and registrations for the Arlettie Memberships programs are limited to a maximum number of available spaces, and that Arlettie may not be able to respond favorably to the request on the day the application, and registration is formulated on the assumption that a greater number of Members would no longer ensure the quality of services and/or the smooth running of events.
In addition, the VIP Member acknowledges that Arlettie reserves the right to suspend or withdraw the possibility of accessing the services, if the VIP Member does not comply with the registration terms and particularly if they provide false, fanciful, inaccurate, incomplete, illegible or incorrect data. The VIP Member also acknowledges that Arlettie reserves the right to refuse the registration of any person previously registered and/or whose registration has been terminated by Arlettie due to a breach of these general conditions and in particular of the conditions referred to in Article 9.2.
As such, it is reminded that Arlettie reserves the right not to respond to any request made by a person who has been the subject of a previous registration terminated due to a breach of their part in the condition referred to in Article 4 of the terms and conditions.
The Arlettie VIP Club allows the VIP Members to benefit from the following dedicated advantages, the list below not being exhaustive and subject to change at any time:
For the use of its advantages, the VIP Member may be asked to download or print documents and present a valid form of identification. Only minor children and spouses of the VIP Member will be able to benefit from the conditions of access in their presences (on certain sales), and on presentation of proof of relationship.
As such, the VIP Member is reminded that in accordance with the general conditions, the services offered to subscribers, Members, VIP Members or not, are offered within the limits of the reception capacity of the Arlettie spaces as well as, where applicable, the conditions imposed by brands, partners of Arlettie, over which Arlettie may not have control (slots dedicated to staff and/or persons designated by the brands whose event is organised). *Please refer to the pink section of your weekly invitation for all sale specific conditions.
Access to Arlettie sale spaces abroad will be subject to the specific conditions applicable to the space in question and for the status of the VIP Member concerned which can be consulted on the website of the country of sale or directly verified with Arlettie customer service.
The Arlettie Memberships program is an annual Membership, from date to date, which will begin after validation of the registration or renewal file by Arlettie under the conditions referred to in these terms and conditions. The Arlettie VIP Membership is not automatically renewed under the terms of the current Membership period unless the VIP Member has specifically requested it.
The VIP Member must submit a renewal request to retain their benefit(s).
Membership and renewal requests are evaluated by Arlettie under the conditions referred to in Article 4 and must be validated by Arlettie. Following this validation, the Membership will be definitively validated after the annual payment for the one-year period. The VIP Member also acknowledges that Arlettie reserves the right to refuse the Membership or the renewal of any Member who has been the subject of a breach of any contractual document, in particular these specific conditions and/or the general conditions referred to in Article 9.2
Arlettie will inform the VIP Member in writing, by personal letter, email or SMS before the Membership card expires, clearly and visibly highlighting the expiry date of the benefits and advantages and offering the possibility of renewing the Membership for a new period.
In the case of non-renewal of the Membership for any reason whatsoever, these special conditions will be terminated but the parties will remain bound by the general conditions except the termination clause as described in Article 9 of the said general terms and conditions.
Persons choosing to submit their Membership application online will receive a confirmation email, the date of which will constitute the starting point of the fourteen-calendar day period of withdrawal or refund available to VIP Members without any penalty in accordance with articles 1.221-18 and following the consumer codes and rights. This right of withdrawal may be exercised by simple mail addressed to the following address: Arlettie Paris – Customer Service – 13-14 Margaret Street, Fitzrovia, W1W 8RN – London, or by any other means provided that the declaration made clearly expresses the desire to withdraw.
The VIP Member understands that he waives his right of withdrawal from the beginning of the execution of the contract. Access to an Arlettie space will be considered as execution of the contract.
These special conditions will automatically cease in the event of termination of the general conditions for any reason whatsoever, subject to the provisions below.
The VIP Member is reminded that Arlettie reserves the right to exercise all the rights of suspension and termination laid out below.
Arlettie may immediately suspend access to the website and/or services in dedicated spaces if the VIP Member fails to respect these terms and conditions. In this situation, Arlettie shall notify the VIP Member of their suspension via email.
At the end of a period of eight days has remained without effect, Arlettie may automatically terminate contractual relations with the VIP Member, without formality, and subject to any damages it may claim in compensation for the loss resulting from it from this situation.
Notwithstanding the preceding, Arlettie reserves the right to refuse, suspend or terminate the registration of a subscriber without compensation of any nature and notice in case of a severe breach of the conditions required in these terms and conditions and/or any document displayed in each Arlettie space, and, where applicable, the terms specific to the event in questions, including notably the health and safety rule, and rule for respect for the premises to which the VIP Member will be bound, and more generally any contractual document such as notable but not exclusively in case of:
Lastly, and generally, Arlettie reserves the right to terminate the registration of any subscriber, Member, and VIP Member by electronic notification concerning notice of one month. Termination shall entail a ban on accessing the Arlettie events and/or cancellation of the benefits of the services and advantages the Member may have obtained without compensation of any nature.
After the withdrawal period applicable to online subscriptions provided for in Article 8, the VIP Member may terminate these special conditions at any time by following the procedure provided for this purpose on the site by connecting to their personal account or by formulating the demand within the Arlettie spaces.
Within a maximum period of ten days following this request, the contractual relationship with the VIP Member will be terminated, the VIP Member will no longer have access to their personal account, nor to the services offered by Arlettie.
In this case, no sum will be reimbursed, and all the sums paid to Arlettie for the VIP Membership will remain definitively acquired by Arlettie.
In the event of the death of the VIP Member and upon production of the relevant supporting documents, the personal account will be deactivated. Its content can only be transmitted to the rights holder by court order or under the conditions described in the confidentiality policy.
Copyright Arlettie 2025